Share your collections

Instead of sending multiple links to others, Niphtio lets you share a single link to an entire collection.

How to share a collection

  1. Open the collection you want to share.
  2. Click the “Share” button.
  3. Under “Who can see this collection?”, select “Anyone with the share link”.
  4. Click “Copy share link”. This will copy the share link to your clipboard.
  5. Paste the share link into any messaging, social media, or email app to send it to others.

Anyone with the link can view your shared collection. Viewers (anyone with the link to your shared collection) can also see updates to the collection whenever you add or remove items.

How to stop sharing a collection

To set a collection back to private:

  1. Open the collection you want to stop sharing.
  2. Click the “Share” button.
  3. Under “Who can see this collection?”, select “Only me”.

Once you stop sharing a collection, no one else will be able to see it, even if they have the share link.

How many collections can I share?

You may have a maximum of one shared collection at a time. You can set a collection back to private at any time and share a different one instead.

What will viewers be able to see?

Viewers (anyone with the link to your shared collection) will be able to see:

  • Items in the collection
  • The collection name
  • Your username
  • The title of each item. If you renamed an item title, viewers will see the renamed version.

Viewers will not be able to see:

  • Your notes
  • The names of any other collections your items belong to
  • Your other collections

Do viewers need a Niphtio account to view my collections?

No. Anyone with the link to your collection will be able to view the items inside it, even if they don’t have an account or are not signed in.

Can viewers edit the collection?

At this time, only the owner can edit a collection and the items inside it.