Niphtio Premium is coming soon

Extra-powerful features to help you find and use your saved content.

Frequently asked questions

What is Niphtio Premium?

Niphtio Premium will be a paid plan that offers more powerful tools in addition to the features that are already available in our free plan. These premium features will make it even easier to organize your content and make your content useful to you. Introducing a paid plan will also help us to keep Niphtio completely ad free and allow us to continue releasing new and improved features.

What features will Niphtio Premium offer?

Upon its initial launch, Niphtio Premium will grant users exclusive access to features such as advanced search queries, full-text search, and unlimited shared collections. Stay tuned as we continuously expand our premium offerings over time!

What will happen to my free account?

All users on our free plan will continue to have access to all the same features as before, with the exception of advanced search and full-text search. While basic search will still be available to users on the free plan, advanced search queries will become a premium feature once Niphtio Premium is launched. Learn more about advanced search queries

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